
When you’ve been working at the intersection of Venture Capital and Sustainability for as long as we have, you get a pretty good lay of the land. Below are our thoughts and reflections on what lies ahead in many of the exciting sectors we are either invested in, or deeply interested in.

Winnow addresses a Blind Spot in our Fight Against Climate Change
More batteries, less bottlenecks: meet Liminal
ArcTern fuels up Woltair to help you fuel down
The Climate-tech Cavalry are here
The path to net-zero starts with understanding your carbon footprint
2021 May Be the Year of the Gods
reThought has cracked the code on flood insurance
Palmetto —Disrupting the Disruptors
Span’s smart electrical panel is the missing piece to the solar-plus-storage equation
Getting to the green economy with ArcTern
Lots of Opportunity for Green Transition in Pandemic Recovery: ArcTern Ventures
Tomorrow’s chemistry, today: Bringing materials science into the 21st century
Tom Rand: Can Capitalism Stop Climate Change?
Can Climate Capitalism Cure What Ails Us? Fighting Climate Change in the Age of COVID
Fossil Fuel Companies Worry About Their Future, so Canada Must Discuss Economic Priorities: Investor
BP and Alphabet the Latest Corporate Giants to Take Lead on Climate: ArcTern Ventures
Fish Farms — Sustainable Food or Environmental Catastrophe?
Dianne Saxe’s Green Economy Heroes Podcast: Venture Capitalism for Clean Tech
Open to Debate | David Moscrop x Tom Rand: Can capitalism solve climate change?
Span’s Smart Electrical Panel is The Missing Piece to The Solar-Plus-Storage Equation
The Downfall of Fast Fashion and Indestructible Pantyhose
The Launch of a Generalist Cleantech VC
Tom Rand: Debate About Canada’s Emissions, Brought on by Fury Over Trans Mountain
Can Trudeau Go Where Trump Says No?
Canada Needs an “Own the Podium” Cleantech Strategy
The Future of Energy
Morgan Solar: Next-generation solar is born
Oil and Gas Incumbents: The Upside of Cleantech Collaboration
Polar Sapphire: Driving Down LED Costs
Circuit Meter: Breaking the Price Barrier on Submetering and Analytics
SEI: Deep Visibility for the Distribution Grid
Hydrostor: Finally, Economic Grid-Scale Storage
Woodland Biofuels: Cellulosic Ethanol Cheaper Than Gasoline
Ontario Long Term Energy Plan: Innovation at Last!
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